No-bake Amarula and White Chocolate Tart

This is an alternate Christmas dessert from South Africa, using the famous South African cream liqueur, Amarula. It would also work just as well with Irish Cream, Eggnog or Advocaat. Even better, it’s a no-bake tart on a biscuit (cookie) base.

Prep time: 20 minutes/Cook time: 10 minutes/Serves: 8

For the base:
150g butter, melted (plus extra for greasing)
350g chocolate sandwich biscuits (I used bourbons, but Oreos work well, too)
For the filling
250g white chocolate, chopped
300ml double cream
100g crème fraîche
3 tbsp Amarula (or Irish cream liqueur or Eggnog or Advocaat)
Cocoa powder, for dusting (optional)

Take a fluted loose-bottomed tart tin (about 23cm diameter, 3.5cm deep) and grease with a little butter.

Place the biscuits in a food processor and whizz until finely crushed (or put in a bag and pound with a rolling pin). Add the melted butter and pulse/mix until well combined. Press the resultant mixture into the base and sides of the tin, making sure it comes at least 3cm up the sides. Press firmly in place with the back of a spoon. Transfer to the refrigerator and chill whist you prepare the filling.

Melt the white chocolate in a heat-proof bowl either set over a pan of barely-simmering water, or using 30 second pulses in a microwave. Set the bowl aside to cool for 10 minutes.

When the white chocolate has cooled, combine the cream, crème fraiche and liqueur in a bowl. Beat with an electric whisk until it stands in soft peaks. Now fold through the cooled white chocolate. Scrape the mixture onto the chilled biscuit base. Return to the refrigerator and chill for at least 4 hours, or until set.

To serve, transfer tart to a board or serving plate. Dust over a little cocoa powder, if using, cut into wedges and serve.

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