Iconic Nollywood Director, Ugezu .J. Ugezu Receives The Title Of Nze Ukwu, Ayaka Igbo Gburugburu Of Iduu Eri Kingdom

Announcing the conferment, he wrote “His Royal Majesty, Eze Chukwuemeka Eri, Eze Di Gboo, Ezeora the 34th, Eze Aka Ji Ovo Igbo, the present occupant of Eri throne at Obu Gad at Enugwu Aguleri, on the 5th of November, 2022 at the occasion of World Eri Festival, conferred on me, the humbling title of NZE UKWU, AYAKA IGBO GBURUGBURU OF IDUU ERI KINGDOM.

The king said that based on the things I do for Ndigbo, that my title should not be restricted to just Enugwu-Ukwu and Umunri. He decided to amplify it to Ayaka Igbo Gburugburu. I am delighted because he is the one king who has the ancestral authority to bestow such on anyone.

Ekene Dili Chi Ukwu.”

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