A Human Right Activist, Barr. Inibehe Effiong wrote:

What happened to the Political Department that the RCCG formed during the primaries?

You don’t have to mention the name of a particular political party or a particular candidate. But you have a duty to guide your members on the attributes of the candidate they should vote for.

Should a Church only be politically active when a member is contesting? Is the body of Christ no longer one? It should be about the betterment of Nigeria.

I have a problem with some religious leaders in this country. I have seen first hand in Akwa Ibom State, how corrupt religious leaders have aided the criminality of corrupt politicians.

The nation is bleeding, every pastor and imam that truly cares about a better Nigeria should speak out against those who are holding us down.

Prayers (alone) will never salvage Nigeria. It will take responsible and credible leadership to rescue this country. That is why the Bible says that when the righteous is on the throne, the people rejoice.

In other words, when the unrighteous is on the throne, the people suffer.

Silence at this time is a sin.

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