A little teachings concerning cat eyes seeds and leaf but I will not go more deeper ” kindly share to help others

Igbo call it anya bụụsu

in the era of our fathers, they use it to make beads to wade off spiritual eyes.

The seeds has so many herbal benefits like the treatment of:
Convulsions in children
It is use as a contraceptive to prevent pregnancy in married WOMEN who don’t need to born further




👉The leaves are mixed with honey and leaf of life for stubborn coughs that stay long and refused to go

👉The leaves are used as sponge for spiritual cleansing with other related herbs

👉The seeds with alligator pepper rapped in fertility leaves wades of every negativity within environments

👉The seeds mixed with perfume,777, divine grace and other related spiritual perfume or oil serves as Favour items and help to clears the spiritual eyes for visions

👉The seeds mixed with dry gin gets ones spiritual life so high to do some unbelievable behavior they wouldn’t dare to do on a normal ground.

👉Two seeds of cat eyes with two seeds of alligator pepper swallowed together gives courage to speak and be heard.

👉The leaves 🍃 mixed with palm kernels oil treats poison, though other ingredients are needed too to make it stronger.

👉The leaves of this cat eyes and the leaf of life that is oda ọpuo and seven pieces of alligator pepper chewed together on an empty stomach before washing of mouth, makes ones spoken word powerful

👉When 7 pieces of this was swallow on empty stomach with Hot local gin without touching your teeth serves as protection against gun

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