“We bled Africa for four and a half centuries. We looted their raw materials, then we told lies that the Africans are good for nothing. In the name of religion we destroyed their culture. And after being made rich at their expense, we now steal their brains through miseducation and propaganda to prevent them from enacting Black retribution against


In 1957, François Mitterrand warned that France would not have any position in 21st-century history unless it maintained its control over Africa. Then later, Jacques Chirac admitted openly,

“We have to be honest and acknowledge that a big part of the money in our banks come precisely from the exploitation of the African continent…without Africa, France will slide down into the rank of a third world power”

And it’s not just France. It’s the entire gang of 1884 Berlin conference. They have become stubborn ancestral spirits in our land and only a strategically diplomatic exorcism backed with the threat of force from a higher power like Russia, will save us. A few have been saved already and if we are wise, every country in Africa right now will be making frantic efforts to align strategically with Russia for freedom. Otherwise, you end up like Nigeria and a bunch of others whose leaders are nothing but political and intellectually castrated figure heads.

Wake up Africa! The prison doors are OPEN! “Run baby run!”

– Joseph C Okechukwu.

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