Chocolate Rudolph Cupcakes

These cupcakes are so cute and ideal for those who love Christmas, young and old.

Prep time: 20/Cook time: 20/Makes: 12

1 tbsp milk
2 eggs
150g butter, at room temperature
150g caster sugar
150g self-raising flour
½ tsp baking powder
finely-grated zest of ½ small orange
45g dried cranberries, chopped
300g chocolate flavoured icing (frosting)
4 Curly Wurly chocolate bars
12 glacé cherries
24 raisins

Pre-heat your oven to 180°C (160°C fan/350°F/Gas Mark 4). Line a deep muffin tin with 12 paper cases.

Combine the milk, eggs, butter, caster sugar, flour, baking powder and orange zest in a mixing bowl. Beat using an electric hand whisk then stir in the dried cranberries and spoon into the cases, filling them no more than 3/4 full.

Transfer to the centre of your pre-heated oven and bake for 20 minutes, until well risen and lightly golden. Cool on a wire rack.

To decorate, spread the icing over the cooled cupcakes. Slice each Curly Wurly in half widthways, then cut into lengths to make antlers. Push the antlers into the cupcakes, place a cherry on each cake to make a nose and put 2 raisins on each cake to make the eyes.

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