Dear ‘Poor’ Parents…

Your brother that you sent your kids to leave with, maltreats your kid, and tells you the kid is stubborn.

They do not have anything good to say about your child but they can tell you one billion things about their own children, unprovoked.

They tell you stories of how your child is giving them headaches, how your child is hard-headed and difficult to train… You believe them.

When you come to visit, they serve you thick tea and plenty of loaves of bread, that is the only time they let your child have breakfast like an elite…so that you will see.

They give you stipends and when they return home from work, they buy your child a shirt or a pair of shoes, so that you will believe they are treating your child well…

When your child tries to talk to you, to tell you that they are suffering… They are dying emotionally… You don’t believe them. You tell them that they should endure and be patient, that it is discipline and good training.

When you are not around… Your child becomes a punching bag.

A trash can where every member of the family even kids they are babysitting, throws their bitterness and frustration on…

Your girl becomes a mental experiment for your elder brother and his wife… They call her names you’d never call her… They take her dream away from her and everyday they tell her that you are a use.lez mother that is why you sent her to them.

Your boy is growing up, his only dream in life is hoping that he survives the torture in your brothers house.

You know what is worse? Nobody believes them when they cry out. “it’s just children and lack of understanding and patience,” they say…

Your children are traumatized.

They are emotionally damaged.

They are growing up in pain and anguish.

Do you not care?

What is food, clothing, and shelter that you can’t give your kids?

It is money you lack, not basic home training, morals, and love.

It is just money you don’t have, you can teach your child hard work and business… They should learn contentment in its holiness than learn it because of pain and hopelessness.

Dear poor parents, listen to your kids.

If they say they are suffering, they are really suffering.

— Tanko Lami 🖋

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