Garden Eggs Stew


Versions of garden egg soup or stews are made throughout West Africa. This recipe originates in Ghana. Garden eggs are the native species of aubergine (eggplant) that have a slightly bitter taste.

Prep time: 15 minutes/Cook time: 30 minutes/Serves: 4

12 garden eggs
2 onions, chopped
3 tomatoes, chopped
2 tbsp red palm oil
1 tsp ground crayfish
2 tbsp groundnut paste (or peanut butter)
1 tsp hot chilli powder
Salt to taste

Wash the garden eggs and remove the stalks. Make a few slits in their sides with a knife, then place in a pot, cover with salted water and boil for 10 minutes, until they are tender (this will also reduce the bitterness).

Drain the garden eggs in a colander then set aside to cool. Heat the red palm oil in a saucepan over medium heat. Add the chopped onions and fry for about 5 minutes, until soft and translucent (but not coloured). Now add the tomatoes and cook for about 6 minutes, or until they begin to break down.

Stir in the ground crayfish, groundnut paste and the chilli powder. Bring to a simmer and cook for 2-3 minutes. Now peel the skins off the cooled garden eggs and mash the flesh lightly with a fork.

Add the mashed garden eggs to the saucepan, stirring well to combine with the sauce. Cook for an additional 10 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Season to taste with salt, turn into a warmed serving bowl and serve with your favourite accompaniment.

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