Leftover Porridge Pancakes


If, like my husband, you tend to make too much porridge, this is a great and tasty way of using-up the excess to give you a healthy breakfast. Of course, you can just prepare porridge (oatmeal) the night before and use in this recipe. The recipe is very versatile and you can use any grain- or pseudograin-based porridge (oat, sorghum, millet, maize meal, quinoa, buckwheat [and for wild food enthusiasts: ground nuts, acorns, dock seed etc]).

150g (5 oz) cold leftover porridge

150g (1 ¼ cups) self-raising flour

2 tsp baking powder

1 ripe banana, mashed

2 large eggs

100ml (2/5 cup) milk

2 tsp vegetable or sunflower oil

fruit, yogurt and maple syrup or honey, to serve


Combine the porridge, flour, baking powder, banana, eggs and milk in a bowl. Heat the oil in a frying pan then drop 2-3 tbsp of the porridge pancake mixture into the pan and cook over a medium heat until the underside is golden and bubbles are popping on the surface.

Flip the pancake over and cook for another few mins until cooked through, then keep warm in a low oven and repeat until you’ve used up all the batter.

Serve with the fruit and yogurt and top with a drizzle of the syrup or honey.

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