*Local names: akoko(Yoruba), aduruku(Hausa), ogirisi(Igbo)*


Dry stem and bark of newbouldia, grind to powder and ginger powder. Pour your hot water in a cup of tea and add 1tbsp of dried newbouldia stem and bark and half tbsp of ginger powder. Leave it for ,20mins and drink. One cup in the morning and at night for 30days.

This herbage is a high-quality and strong herb, that women employ to cure all female genital ailments, besides it helps to keep reproductive organs in good condition,

it also affects the right toning up of the vagina. helps with problems with high protactinium and lack of ovulation.

*How do we use it for fertility….*

1) The fresh leaves can be washed and cooked with water .this can be taking 3 times a day.

2) Boil the fresh leaves with water, allow it to settle for 24 hours, get original natural wild honey mix it with the cook leave water extract .

Drink a full cup two times a day. Notice this kind of mixture can make you purge some times. If this happens, reduce the quantity.

3) Grind the bark stem of fertility plant with ginger together mix well and take a full table spoon of it for 15 days, starting from the day finish your menstruation period.

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