Paul Nwokeocha picks another wife. This didn’t go down well with a lot of people as they kept asking “where is your first wife and angel, Alice?

Paul Nwokeocha picks another wife. This didn’t go down well with a lot of people as they kept asking “where is your first wife and angel, Alice?

The reason why marriage doesn’t scare me with all these failed and bad marriages on social media is that my parents are living peacefully. In all my childhood days till this very day, I have NEVER seen my parents quarrel before not even an argument or any of them raising the voice on the other. This is why I still can’t relate to all these gbas gbos between husbands and wives on social media.

When I was much younger, I asked my mum “why you and daddy no dey fight?” I have been watching a lot of Nollywood movies with gbas gbos 😂 and I began to wonder, if I were in the wrong home 😂 You see all these anomalies in marriages showcased today on social media, I have never witnessed it before, I can’t even relate to any of them.

Using my lovely parents as a case study, I strongly believe in the institution of marriage. Marry RIGHT and also marry for the RIGHT reasons to avoid unnecessary drama.

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