Werewere Soup (Melon Seed Soup)


Werewere refers to egusi, or the high-protein seeds of some West African melons that are used to make soups. They are usually sold pre-ground. So, in effect this is another type of Ghanaian egusi soup. In this recipe whole melon seeds are used that are toasted and then ground at home.

Prep Time: 25 minutes/Cook Time: 20 minutes mins/Serves: 4

90g (1 cup) whole melon seeds (werewere/egusi)
1 Dry fish
2 fillets Smoked mackerel, broken into pieces
300g (2/3 lb) Assorted Meat
2 onions, peeled
2 fresh tomatoes, whole
2 habanero chillies, chopped
2 garlic cloves
3 tbsp fresh Ginger
1 Magi cube or 1 tsp Seasoning powder
Salt, to taste

Place a dry pan over medium heat and use to toast the melon seeds for about 8-10 minutes, or until lightly golden and aromatic. Take the pan off the heat, turn the melon seeds onto a plate and set aside to cool.

Once cooled, transfer the melon seeds to a blender, then pulse to chop. Continue to render to a paste, adding enough water to form a smooth paste.

Pass through a fine-meshed sieve to separate the liquid from the fibrous shells. Pour the liquid into a pan. Bring to a boil, reduce the heat to medium and cook for 6 minutes then take off the heat and set aside.

Combine 1 chopped onion, the garlic, chilli and ginger in a blender. Render to a purée then add to a clean pan with your meat, salt to taste and 1 Maggi cube, crumbled. Cover and simmer everything for 10 minutes. At this point add the remaining whole onion and the fresh tomatoes.

At this point, pour in the cooked melon seed juice, bring to a boil and cook for 5-10 minutes. Remove the whole onion and whole tomatoes, place in a blender and purée then add this purée to the pot.

Now add the pieces of dry fish and the smoked mackerel. Adjust the seasonings to taste then boil the soup for 15 minutes.

Serve hot with rice or fufu.

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