Are you aware that Alligator pepper is a type of spirit? It is much more than fruit. It does miracles that you cannot imagine.

The spiritual benefits of alligator pepper are listed below.

1. Allegator pepper can protect you against negative energy and vibrations. It has the ability to both prevent and redirect evil.

2. Without combining it with any other ritual objects, allegator pepper has the potential to destroy and diseffect charms. Its presence is the only thing that can make the miracle happen.

3. Allegator pepper has the power to destroy as much as it can save. It has the potential to take someone’s life.

4. Allegator pepper, in reality, holds a prominent role in spiritual assignment. It is the only seed in spiritualism that has the potential to purify humans just by being introduced into the body.

5. Most of the time, we eat and drink in our dreams only to wake up with a miserable day and disappointment. Applying Allegator pepper as soon as you wake up will stop the destruction.

6. Most of us encounter unwanted particles on our journeys, and even on Broadway, cobwebs will travel across your face, causing disappointment. Allegator pepper will aid in your recovery.


If Aligator pepper isn’t functioning spiritually for you, it’s possible that you don’t know how to apply it or that you’ve broken it wrongly.

1. If you are going on a journey and are not sure about it, take 7 seeds and put them in your pocket; when you return, remove them and dispose of them.

2. Take 4 of them and place them at the four corners of your home if you suffer terrible dreams or demonic attacks regularly.

3. If you feel your business premises are under spiritual attack or arrest, chew 7 or 4 seeds but don’t swallow them, declare words and pour them out of your mouth for 4 or 7 days and you will notice a difference.

Take note that if you take seven seeds, you must take them for seven days, and if you take four pills, you must take them for four days.

4. In terms of spiritual status, if you have intimacy with someone you don’t like or know well. Simply take 4 or 7 and swing it over your head, casting decrees. Set it aside.

5. If you see weird faeces in front of your house, simply sprinkle it with alligator pepper and bitter kola and wash it away. It will be returned to the sender.

6. If you’re being stalked by witches, grind alligator pepper seeds with ogirisi leaf, pour original palm kernel oil into a container, mix everything together, and place it on your door post.

7. If someone has offended you severely and your hands are clean, simply take alligetor pepper and kola nut, face the sun, and speak your mind. Throw them away after that. Your petition has been received.

Use Alligator pepper on a daily basis to notice how things begin to work in your favor.

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